R Programming
We conclude Week 1 with introduction to R Programming. This module takes an estimated 1.5 hours to complete.
What is R?
R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. R provides a wide variety of statistical (linear and nonlinear modeling, classical statistical tests, time-series analysis, classification, clustering, etc.) and graphical techniques, and is highly extensible.
Why Should I Learn R?
R is one of the most widely-used and powerful programming languages in bioinformatics. R especially shines where a variety of statistical tools are required (e.g. RNA-Seq, population genomics, etc.) and in the generation of publication-quality graphs and figures.
What Are the Outcomes of This Week?
By the end of week 1, you should:
Know how to download and install R and R Studio on Mac and Windows
Be familiar with R workspace and files
Know the basic data types in R
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